(562) 802-0208
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Services Overview
Consortium Compliance is staffed with Drug Testing Experts that will meet all of your Federally mandated testing needs.

Our Services Include:

Random Drug Testing
Collection Sites
MRO Services
Training classes

Check out our services page to see how we can assist you in meeting Federal Regulations.
DOT Compliance

Compliance Contest
Consortium Compliance sponsors a contest to create a better understanding of 49 part 40. We regularly post a question on this page of the web site, and those companies that answer it correctly will be entered into a monthly drawing for a FREE Federal Drug Screen.
All participants will have the correct answer emailed to them after the new question has been posted.
This Month's Question:
While at lunch you notice one of your
co-workers, who is also at lunch and will be returning to a safety sensitive function, is consuming an alcoholic beverage. Once they return to work should you send them to have a Reasonable Suspicion drug and alcohol test?

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